
MyLIFE LTT Wroclaw: the activities of teachers and learners goes up

Autobiographical writing is a powerful means of introspection, elaboration of meaning, therapeutic healing, and gratification. As Dr. Grazia Chiarini illustrated in her presentation, the idea of the project was born in the setting of residential homes for elderly and non-autonomous individuals, with the aim of…

MyLIFE Learning, Teaching and Training activity start today in Wroclaw!

Showcasing its beautiful autumn colours, crisp air, and captivating historical downtown, the city of Wroclaw greeted the enthusiast participants flying or driving in from Italy, Romania, Portugal, and Poland for the My Life in Europe project – A new methodology to insert your life biography…

My, your, our life – Stories from the My Life game

by Grazia Chiarini It is difficult to think, if you do not try, that stylized images, in black and white, with words and writing proposals, are capable of arousing many memories, emotions and a few tears, especially when “playing” in presence. Yet, with the game…

The experimentation of the My Life Game begins at Villa Serena

The involvement of Villa Serena, a residence for the elderly, located in Montaione, could not be missing in the dissemination of the European Erasmus + My Life in Europe project. The Municipality, in fact, was one of the first to give patronage for the project,…

Dissemination at the Debreceni Egyetem, (Debrecen University) Hungary

On July 27 2022, a dissemination meeting for the Erasmus + project “My life in Europe” was held at the University of Debrecen, Hungary. The fifteen participants in the LTTA of the Erasmus + “Narrative Care” project  were present. They came not…

The first mobility of the NARRATIVE CARE project is underway

The first meeting in the presence of the NARRATIVE CARE project begins today in Hungary, which will see the representatives of the various partners of the project confronting: unpredictable personal reasons prevented Carla Sabatini from NKey from participating as expected, thanks to Sergio Brunetti from…